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What people have said about our Tuition with their Testimonials

We really appreciate the help you are providing for Paige, it has really boosted her confidence and means a lot to us.


Really thrilled with Kens tutoring and your support this year.  Thanks so much again. 


"Just want to mention how pleased I am with the lessons. She has gained such confidence and is coping much better in class. Steve is a great tutor for her."


Firstly, thanks to your tutors, our daughter did well in math NCEA level 1. Merit for geometric reasoning and MCAT and excellence in graphs and tables.  Given the uproar about the level 1 math exam we are stoked with these results.


"We wanted to let you know our son passed Year 13 Calculus. It was quite an accomplishment as he didn’t take it at school last year. He has been accepted into the Waikato University School of Engineering."


Year 8 student: "She is so much more confident about her learning and I'm pleased to say enjoying maths. Thanks for everything you have done to help her get to this stage. I know she has wonderful foundations in place for the year ahead."


"I am thrilled with her progress. Please add this to your Testimonials"


Year 8 student: "She is so much more confident about her learning and I'm pleased to say enjoying maths. Thanks for everything you have done to help her get to this stage. I know she has wonderful foundations in place for the year ahead."


"We have been extremely pleased with her progress and especially her positive attitude towards this tricky subject.  Thank you with all our heart for your time and patience in getting this swing in attitude – long may it continue xx"


Comments from a local Teacher whose son attends: "Thanks very much for offering such a great tutoring system…I recommend it to any parents who ask."


"He's doing so well!  He got an achieved on a practice test & said it’s the first time he's ever received an achieved since he's been at college.  He's very happy with the tutoring & knows that it is helping him a great deal."


Y4 student: "His confidence has grown during his time with you and is participating fully in his maths lessons now. Many thanks for work done so far."


"I’m stoked she is getting merits and her hard work is paying off, my appreciation!"


"My Yr5 boy asked me if he could go again the next night!"


"From a dad - my son has been asked by others in his class - 'Why do you know the stuff?'  He wants to get a Building Apprenticeship, when he asked to go along we didn't hesitate."


"My daughter is in Year 10 - she tells me it is a huge weight off her shoulders.  We are so relieved too."


"I thank you so much, she has just made leaps and bounds with MathZwise and we will be continuing next year as well - want to give her a solid grounding for High School."


From a Grandmother of a NCEA2 student: "Many thanks - it has been money well spent."


"Our daughter has found the lessons helpful and definitely feels on track again - many thanks for help preparing for NCEA2."


"Thank you for all you and your team have done for our daughter, she has loved coming."


"Thank you so much for starting mathZwise in our area!  Our son got an excellence with merit in his maths mock exam and will be put in calculus class next year.  It has given him so much confidence ... thank you!"


"Our 8 year old daughter has learnt so much in one term.  She is a changed girl! We are going to consolidate for the last term of the year and set her up for a combined class next year at her school. We are so thrilled at the comments from school too!"


A message from a Mum with the follow up call after the first lesson: "Thank you for your call. Emily really enjoyed the first tutorial. Emily was hesitant about going but when she left last night her words were “I want to do maths all night”. So based on that I am fairly sure last night was a great success." Based on her smiling face our lovely Yr 3 Emily was very happy when she left! Well done Jill for your encouraging first lesson.


"They are enjoying the sessions so much - thank you and I feel we are now starting to see some consistent understanding."


"This is super cool. Thank you sooooo much for all your help and support. I’m so glad Lyrical is doing so well. Nga mihi kia koutou katoa."


"Yes she is doing so well even school have noticed her improving a lot also"


"You did such an amazing job with our daughter and would love to see you do your magic with our Yr 9 son."


"I thought I'd forward you the maths results that were brought home in her portfolio last night. She was incredibly proud of her achievements thus far and is very excited about Maths. She loves the Cross Maths that she does each day with her teacher at school now."


"We're really proud of her achievements and just wanted to say Thank You for being a part of them."


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