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An Online course - What benefits are there anyway ?!!

Here's 6 benefits that count

Online learning has existed for years, in fact one of the first examples of online
learning is considered to have occurred in 1960 at the University of Illinois,
USA. Despite not having the internet, students learnt from computer terminals
that were linked to form a network.

Technology has advanced a lot since then and we can now easily access online learning and
that’s opened up a world of possibility for learners.

While interest in online courses has been growing for many years, the disruption
caused by the pandemic and lockdowns, has seen an acceleration in online course
uptake around the world, and NZ is no different.

At Impact Tutoring, we’re not surprised by the interest because there are so many

If you’ve been wary of signing up to a course either for yourself or your child, here are
six common benefits students, parents and caregivers share with us. 

Convenience and flexibility. Online courses can be accessed from wherever the student is and at a time that suits them. No travel required and there’s flexibility to fit in with other scheduled activities.

Learn at your pace. In school, there’s a lot of material to get through in a short amount of time,
and while some students will keep up, others won’t. Online courses allow students to work at a pace that suits them so they can embed what they’re learning.

Study according to your own learning style. Students can then use their own learning style
to go through the courses. For example, they might like to listen to the lesson multiple times and take notes, or perhaps they work best in 30 minute time blocks.

Build self-discipline and accountability. It’s important to take responsibility for our own
learning, even at a young age. The online courses provide an opportunity to develop these important and useful skills.

Gain access to experts. It’s not always practical to access expert tutors where you live. All of our
courses are created by experts who will not only provide the information but develop useful exercises and quizzes to assist with learning.

Affordable cost. Cost can mean tutoring isn’t an option for some. Online courses, especially our
Foundation Modules, are an affordable option to help you or your child
develop your knowledge and confidence. 

Which benefit surprised you or caught your attention?

If you’d like to know more about the range of online courses provided by Impact
Tutoring, head here:

#Online courses #ImpactTutoring


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