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Introducing my Online courses - Ruth Taylor

Ruth's explanation

It takes a village to raise a child (African proverb) and No man is an island (John Donne).

The two quotes are so true, but when you are stuck at home with your family you may wish that the village could come to you and show you how to get off the island you currently find yourself stuck on.

Let me introduce you to the Parenting Isles, places you can go and visit to top up your knowledge and ideas on current parenting problems. There are three destination collections available via the Impact tutoring site, with more being mapped. These courses offer information and advice suitable for your school aged children.

If you are struggling with moderating your child’s screen usage then you will benefit from visiting the ‘Screen Time Shores’ collection.

Screen time CPR – How to put in place first aid for your family

Online safety – Things to consider when allowing online access

Identifying your screen language – You may have heard of love languages and body language, but it is time to identify your families screen language

Phubbing and you – Learn more about this insidious new trend

Screen time solution – Learn about the 4 R’s

If there seems to be more conflict than cooperation in your family, then you will benefit from vising the ‘Frustration Free Fields’ collection.

Mediation matters – Learn more about this simple process

Working out wants and needs – Learn to get to the heart of the issue

Problem solving – Let me introduce you to the solve it spider!

Beating the bullies –Ways to help boost your child’s resilience and tackle this issue

Identifying your screen language - You may have heard of love languages and body language, but it is time to identify your families screen language

Finding yourself snapping a the smallest thing, or puzzled by your partners actions, then you will benefit from visiting the ‘Values Vista’ collection

Finding your preference – Raise awareness in yourself and your partner about what you prefer

Tolerance levels – Map out your tolerances and talk about ways you can work together to tackle imbalances

The value of values – Values change and there is no better time to review them then now

Problem solving - Let me introduce you to the solve it spider!

Guiding principles – Work out how to guide yourself and your children in new directions

To supplement the learning gained through these online courses one to one appointments with Ruth Taylor are available at the Impact Tutoring hub. Ruth also offers a grassroots mediation service designed to help tackle those trickier challenges.

 Contact her on to find out more.


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