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It takes a village...

Keeping the communication open!

Having a daily debrief worked for our family. We would have at least one sit down meal a day, where we were together and could discuss whatever we felt like. Before we started was a great time to remind our children to check their bags for school notes, left-over lunches or smelly PE gear. You may find that the ‘how was your day?’ question, might not generate as much information as you thought it would. If this is the case then try some more specific ones.

‘Please tell me what made you laugh or smile today?’

‘Please tell me what made you annoyed or angry today?’

‘If you could change one thing about your day, what would it be, and why?’

‘Is there anything coming up that we can support you with?

There are a couple of important rules to this.

Everyone in the family gets asked, and has the opportunity to answer, each question, if they are happy to.

No comments or judgments are to be made on what is said.

If your child shares something which concerns you then feel free to ask if they are happy to talk about it a little more, or offer to chat with them later, if they want to.


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