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Back to school concerns by Ruth Taylor

Back to school concerns

With our children returning to school, what is our main concern?

Is it what class they are in?

Or is it

Who they are in a class with?

I expect that both the above are on your mind, but the second one comes with the additional question, of what do I do if there is a bully in my kid’s class?

Bullying is an emotive word, this is because it can cause mental health issues such as depression, self-harm and at its worst, suicide. The impact of the emotional and psychological turmoil is now recognised and workplaces, as well as schools, are trying to address the problem. The challenge is how to stop, solve and sort out such issues before they turn into a bullying situation.

Unfortunately a lot of schools still focus on who was right and who was wrong, whereas our children really need to be taught how to handle relationship challenges, without resorting to pointing the finger. There are not many ‘true’ bullies, but there are a lot of very poorly managed conflict ridden relationships.

An online course designed to help you understand how conflict can cause the breakdown of relationships, and how to use mediation as a method to upskill your children, will be available soon. I offer a parenting mediation service, so if you have concerns around this now, then contact me on


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