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Routines rule!

Routines rule - especially at stressful times!

While some people shun the idea of routines, we all have them, and they underpin how we live our lives. But it’s often not until there’s some disruption in our life, like alert levels, that we realise the impact of those routines.

The routines are familiar and give structure both for you and your children, and to some degree will make life easier for you all.

But when those routines are disrupted, it can create pressure and stress for everyone. So, if you haven’t already, I’d highly recommend thinking about the routines that work best for your household and committing to them.

When you do that, you might find that some of routines are useful, like having a regular bedtime, but others might actually not be helpful. If that’s the case, you could choose to replace them with something else.

One more point about routines, you don’t have to figure this all out on your own. It’s a great opportunity to involve the whole family and you’re more likely to get there support too.

#BecauseYouCount #ImpactTutoring 


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