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Mental Health awareness continues to be big theme in these Covid times. So I thought I would share my three steps to supporting your family as it continues to cope with the stresses and strains of lockdown.

C = Cut out the arguments.

The theme of mental health awareness week this year was take time to Korero. If you are not happy with how your family are behaving or you want to set out some expectations, then talk about it.

Rather than put up a list of family rules, discuss your families values and how these may impact on the choices people are making. (There is an online course on this if you are interested)

You have chores to divvy up, then make it into a game. Try allocating each chore a number between 1 and 6 and get each family member to roll a dice to find out what they are going to do.

Very few people like to be dictated to, give everyone a chance to have their say, even if this doesn't mean they get their way, they will have been heard.

P = Power off

Phones, ipads, laptops, even TV tend to provide us with a warped view of the world. Rather than looking at what is happening in our own back yards, we delve deeper and deeper into other peoples lives, sometimes loosing ourselves in a unachievable reality.

Set up screen free times.

Go for a walk, gaze at the stars, get in the car and drive. Appreciate the changing season, the smells, the feeling of wind in your hair and rain on your skin. We have more senses than just sight and hearing, and being outside and doing creative things uses many more than a screen currently can.

R = Reconnect

Doing things as a family provides you with shared experiences to reflect back on when times get tougher! Making plans as a family can provide you with something to look forward to.

Friday night movies, breakfast in the dark, Den day Sunday, the ideas are endless.

The most effective way to connect is over a meal. Sitting at a table and sharing food is a great family tradition to have as it provides a time and place where everyone know they can connect if they need and want to.

If you would like to learn more about Family CPR, then get in touch and I will help you improve the health of your family.

Ruth Taylor


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