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Parenting – Investing in you

Ruth Taylor

All children are looking for a coach, someone who is there for them, who loves them and who encourages them to be the best that they can be. Unfortunately the childish adult inside you, maybe holding you back, it may make you react in ways you are not proud of. Once you realise that even adults should never stop learning, then you are ready to be a truly great parent.

Your connection with Impact Tutoring already shows your commitment to your child, my eldest also required additional support for her literacy, she is now studying at Otago University so I can confirm it works.
Now I encourage you to look at investing in you.
Parenting requires lots of skills, such as creativity, planning, behaviour management, communication etc. and just like in the working world we sometimes need a little guidance to help us feel that we are doing a good job, or to help us to enjoy our job that little bit more.
Remember that needing support does not indicate you have failed; however, not accessing it when you do need it, means you might!

Originally from the UK I am now a true Kiwi, however; even after living in this beautiful country for over a decade there are still things to learn about my new home. I came over with toddlers and now I have teenagers. I live in Ohāupo with my husband, two dogs, two cats and three chickens and my two teenage daughters.
Through the years I have learnt lots about myself having coped with redundancy, workplace bullying and losing loved ones. I feel honoured to have had the opportunity to work in the disability field and have met parents learning to cope with the added challenge of this unknown. Whatever I have gone through, family has always come first and I would love to help you get the most from yours. I work with parents who are intentional about creating a fun family future.

I have three books available covering the ages 1 to 12, and am currently writing my fourth. These are a culmination of my parenting experience combined with life lessons and relevant study. They are designed to give parents a heads up on what might be coming, help them to cope if it does and provide the confidence and conviction to be the parent they want to be. These can all be ordered via the Impact Tutoring website.

I offer face to face coaching sessions at the Impact Tutoring offices and am currently working on the creation of online and group based courses.


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