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Te Reo Maori now on offer at Impact!

Te Reo Maori at all levels

Tēnā rā koutou katoa, my name is Matariki, and I grew up in Te Ao Māori from Kōhanga Reo until I graduated from Wharekura.

I love and have a deep appreciation for Te Reo Māori (language) and Tikanga Māori (customs), as these have enhanced my values, attributes and aspirations.

I’m honoured to have this opportunity to teach my knowledge of Te Reo Māori and further nurture others to learn the Reo.

It can be quite frustrating and daunting learning a new language, but I will be there every step of the way to support and guide you through it. 

As the saying goes, ‘Ma tou rourou, ma tōku rourou ka ora ai te iwi’ by working together, we can achieve anything.

By learning Te Reo Māori with me, you will further your knowledge of the Māori language and broaden your understanding of the Māori world view. 
I will teach you Reo Māori through using fun methods such as waiata, karakia and interactive games.

Our overview offered;

Three different levels will be available

Level 1 Introduction

Level 2 Expanding what you already know

Level 3 Can speak Maori – looking at specifics (NCEA Level 3)

  • First lesson is focussed on getting to know the student which is very important.  There will be a range of activities to gauge the level.
  • Emphasis on confidence and gaining trust. What you like to do? How you prefer to learn?
  • Variety of short activities which have a big impact.
  • Spelling/ writing is essential but also pronunciation

Under the Impact umbrella the focus will be on targeted tuition so that each individual student of Te Reo Maori tuition has a purpose to suit them.

Come along and join us!

Because you count.


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