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Welcome to our newest Tutor, Ricky!

It is my utmost joy to see the light in a child’s eyes and face when they ‘get it’ or ‘get it right’.

I currently work with Special Needs children during the school terms and in the school holidays I am Programme Leader for children with Autism. I am a beginner in Sign Language and Te Reo Maori, that I continually strive to expand and improve.

 I will soon be studying to teach children with vision impairment or blindness.

I am a Mother of 3 adult children. I came to New Zealand from Tasmania, Australia in 1999. A plan to stay for 3 years has evolved into 22 years.

I come originally from an Administration background, in Education, Finance, Real Estate and with the Tasmanian Police department, to becoming a Dairy Farmer for many years here in New Zealand. I would have been voted the ‘Least Likely to become a Farmer’ of any sort, let alone Dairy farming.

It is my privilege to tutor your child. 

Barbara Wahle.


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