Frequently Asked Questions
Impact Tutoring - if after reading this you have a question not answer please contact us at info@impacttutoring.co.nz
1. What kind of results should I expect to see and what happens if my child is not progressing? Juniors we do an initial assessment which is a basis for where they are at. This then means we can judge a starting point for their learning. Seniors are taught using their current topic at school so that it is relevant to their learning and supports what they are doing at school. Our Tutors judge where each student is at. If we become concerned that there are other issues causing learning problems we will contact you directly.Students learn at different rates. There are important things to think about including gaining confidence and previous learning.
2. What's the availability of timeslots? Timeslots vary according to availability, we work with you to offer available slots to suit otherwise we can add you to our waiting list.
3. What happens if my child is sick or away on a scheduled tutoring session day? If you contact us by 11am we will organise either a Learning pack or Online course link for your child as per T & Cs. (maybe some extra blurb about momentum etc.) OR if I am running late? It is very important that you are on time for your lessons. One hour is allocated.
4. How can I support my child from home? We recommend taking a big interest in their learning at Impact and also involving things like using the Library for reading fun. (This question is a big one and not suitable for T & Cs)
5. Do you communicate their results with their teacher? We are able to do this if you request it.
6. What happens when my child has caught up? Each term your child will automatically roll over into the following term unless you give us 2 weeks' notice that you are finishing. We would be delighted if your child achieves, you would be aware of their learning and with feedback from school. Some Seniors like to continue with their learning and aim for higher levels such as Excellence.
7. How do you match up tutors to students? In the initial interview you will be asked lots of general questions which helps us judge who the best match would be. This is a vital part of the initial process.
8. Do you teach math and literacy in one session? No. Our Tutor's specialise in what they do. Plus, the curriculum is so full we would not be able to do justice to the learning each student needs.
9. Do I get a discount if I book in for both math and literacy? Sorry no discount, each Tutor is booked individually, and we are not able to offer this.
10. Do you have a referral, loyalty program? - FYI, I think something like this would be great, what do you think? Have tried referrals before but yes, we could promote this again. Would be quite good at the start of a new year.
11. How much are the sessions? The sessions vary in price according to your Yr. level. See link to pricing page.
12. Does the tutoring continue in the school holidays? Our terms are during school time, but we also have holiday options. Do you have school holiday programs? Yes - see link
13. Do we stay with our child whilst they are being tutored? We find that our student's respond best if they are left to work with their Tutor or Assessment Tutor. We have a foyer available where you can see and hear what is happening in the Hub. Likewise, we also find that our Online students work well with independence. Junior Onliners often have caregivers nearby initially to help with any technical issues
IMPACT TUTORING ~ Tuition Nationwide
At Impact Tutoring, we believe in the potential of all people to flourish with the confidence that is instilled through customised learning.